بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious.

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Welcome to the American Halal Meat sponsored blog, Halal Eats.   We are excited about this journey we will all be taking together, and we pray that the words we publish here, and the ideas we promote please Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala.  Any mistakes are from us, and we ask for his forgiveness, and all truth comes from Him, may he bless us with his light.

Before we dive into a discussion of halal meat and everything this great topic encompasses, we as a team feel that it is imperative you know and understand what we are writing, and why we are writing it.    Our faith, Islam, provides us with a deep and very thorough guide on how to live our lives.  All of our guidance in everything we promote and discuss comes directly from original sources that are verified and authentic.  We promise not to promote a religious idea that is not from either the quran, sunnah, or the lives of the friends of the prophet.   We fear the judgement of Allah SWT in adding or taking away from our faith, and we believe that all truth must be made known.

What we write will be clear cut, but it will at often times shock and possibly upset you.   This is the why of what we aim to do. Our community doesn’t really know what it is eating.  Many of our customers are not aware of the different methods of slaughter, and how corners are cut for a wider profit margin.  We have found the industry to be tight lipped, and extremely cautious about public scrutiny.   While we have no desire to control producers, or judge consumers, we do believe clarity is a right that everyone involved in the transaction should have.